翻看别人的实现方案时,发现和自己面试时答得相差很大,悲 😢。但总之,是时候开始弥补自己的 CSS 和动画技能了。
如果每个中奖结果的概率相近,我们可以按照真实概率来划分每个奖品所占圆形的扇形比例。但是通常转盘中会设置抽中概率极小的大奖,按照真实比例的话将无法充分展示奖品内容,而且降低用户对转盘抽奖本身的兴趣度。所以本文实现的转盘组件选择 均分的方式 来划分每个奖品所占的扇形比例,符合通用的原则,也从视觉上让用户觉得中奖概率相当。
转盘转动可以有两种方式,一种是指针不动转盘动,一种是转盘不动指针动,都能很好地表达转盘抽奖的过程。对比两种方式,前者的视觉体验会更佳,且指针可以放置在任意位置(在中间往上指或在左侧往右指等等都可以);后者则相对含蓄一些,用户的视觉负担较低,但指针只能放在中间旋转(我设想了一下在转盘外侧做圆周运动,感觉也有点意思)。因此,本文的实现选择 指针不动转盘动 的方式,从前端开发的角度来说,实现了一种方式,另一种方式也可以简单实现了。
当我们点击开始转动的按钮时,转盘便会开始转动。现实生活中的转盘通常由人手力驱动,转盘的 转速会从零迅速加到最大,然后逐渐变小直至为零。我们实现的转盘不受这些物理条件的限制,但对现实的充分模拟可以提升转盘抽奖的可信度,本文也将朝着这个方向实现。
当点击按钮时,前端即向后端请求了抽奖的结果,后续转盘的转动也不过是预设好的动画罢了。因此我们可以轻松地计算得到转盘应当旋转的角度,让指针恰恰好停留在奖品所在的扇形区域。这也意味着 转盘旋转的角度可以是一个范围,指针并不一定指向扇形区域的正中间,这也是对现实实际的一个模拟。
在深入动画实现之前,让我们先完成 简单的 前置工作,把转盘抽奖组件的三个必要组成部分画出来。
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| <div class="container"> <div id="turntable" class="turntable"></div> </div>
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| .container { width: 500px; padding: 40px; background: #f8fafc; display: flex; justify-content: center; }
.turntable { position: relative; width: 400px; height: 400px; border-radius: 50%; }
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| interface Prize { label: string; probability: number; bgColor: string; }
const prizes: Prize[] = [ { label: "超级大奖", probability: 0.001, bgColor: "#b91c1c" }, { label: "特等奖", probability: 0.009, bgColor: "#c2410c" }, { label: "一等奖", probability: 0.01, bgColor: "#7e22ce" }, { label: "二等奖", probability: 0.03, bgColor: "#2563eb" }, { label: "三等奖", probability: 0.15, bgColor: "#15803d" }, { label: "安慰奖", probability: 0.3, bgColor: "#1e293b" }, { label: "谢谢参与", probability: 0.5, bgColor: "#3f3f46" }, ];
const turntableDom = document.getElementById("turntable"); const proportionPerPrize = Number((100 / prizes.length).toFixed(1));
const turntableConicGradient = prizes.map((prize, index) => { const from = (proportionPerPrize * index).toFixed(1); const to = index === prizes.length - 1 ? 100 : (proportionPerPrize * (index + 1)).toFixed(1); return `${prize.bgColor} ${from}% ${to}%`; }); turntableDom.style.background = `conic-gradient(${turntableConicGradient.join( ",", )})`;
利用 CSS 函数 conic-gradient()

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| .prize-label { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: baseline; font-weight: bold; color: white; line-height: 100px; }
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| const anglePerPrize = Number((360 / prizes.length).toFixed(1));
const prizeLabels = document.createDocumentFragment(); prizes.map((prize, index) => { const prizeLabel = document.createElement("div"); prizeLabel.classList.add("prize-label"); prizeLabel.style.transform = `rotate(${ -anglePerPrize / 2 + anglePerPrize * (index + 1) }deg)`; prizeLabel.innerText = prize.label; prizeLabels.appendChild(prizeLabel); }); turntableDom.append(prizeLabels);
const turntableBaseRotate = -anglePerPrize / 2; turntableDom.style.transform = `rotate(${turntableBaseRotate}deg)`;

| <img src="path/to/turntable.png" alt="turntable" id="turntable" class="turntable"></img>
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| <div class="container"> <div id="turntable" class="turntable"></div> <div class="arrow"></div> <div id="lottery-btn" class="lottery-btn">抽奖</div> </div>
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| .arrow { position: absolute; top: 140px; width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 15px solid transparent; border-right: 15px solid transparent; border-bottom: 100px solid #f8fafc; }
.lottery-btn { position: absolute; top: 200px; width: 80px; height: 80px; border-radius: 50%; background: #f8fafc; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: #333; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; user-select: none;
&--disabled { color: #999; pointer-events: none; } }

首先实现一个支持生成小数位后 precision
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| const getRandomNumber = (min: number, max: number, precision: number) => { const factor = Math.pow(10, precision); const random = Math.random() * (max - min) + min; return Math.round(random * factor) / factor; };
基于刚刚实现的 getRandomNumber()
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| const animationDuration = 5000; const rotateLapsBase = 10; let rotateLaps = 0;
const lotteryBtnDom = document.getElementById("lottery-btn"); lotteryBtnDom.onclick = () => { lotteryBtnDom.classList.add("lottery-btn--disabled");
let prizeIndex = 0; let resultNum = getRandomNumber(0, 1, 3); while (resultNum > 0) { resultNum -= prizes[prizeIndex].probability; if (resultNum > 0) { prizeIndex += 1; } } const prize = prizes[prizeIndex];
const turntableRotateDegFrom = Number( (anglePerPrize * prizeIndex).toFixed(1), ); const turntableRotateDegTo = prizeIndex === prizes.length - 1 ? 360 : Number((anglePerPrize * (prizeIndex + 1)).toFixed(1)); const turntableRotateDegEdgeThreshold = Number( (anglePerPrize / 4).toFixed(1), ); const turntableRotateDegBase = getRandomNumber( turntableRotateDegFrom + turntableRotateDegEdgeThreshold, turntableRotateDegTo - turntableRotateDegEdgeThreshold, 1, ); rotateLaps += rotateLapsBase; const turntableRotateDeg = -(rotateLaps * 360 + turntableRotateDegBase);
turntableDom.style.transform = `rotate(${turntableRotateDeg}deg)`; turntableDom.style.transition = `transform ${animationDuration}ms ease-out`;
setTimeout(() => { alert(`您抽中了:${prize.label}!`); lotteryBtnDom.classList.remove("lottery-btn--disabled"); }, animationDuration + 500); };
计算实际中奖结果所在的扇形区域角度 turntableRotateDegFrom
至 turntableRotateDegTo
,分别加上和减去距离边缘的阈值 turntableRotateDegEdgeThreshold
,将得到的范围取随机数,即可得到我们最后转盘应旋转的角度 turntableRotateDegBase
。将应旋转的角度再加上设定好的旋转圈数所对应的角度,取反即可得到动画效果中实际旋转的角度 turntableRotateDeg

刚刚为 transform
设置的动画过渡效果 transition-timing-function: ease-out;
相当于 transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, .58, 1);
通过 cubic-bezier,我们以可视化的方式实现一个满足需要的三次贝塞尔曲线,作为动画的过渡效果。如:transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.3, .9, .38, 1);
,它减速至停止的 过渡时间更长且更柔和,效果如下:

完整的 Demo 奉上:
See the Pen lucky-draw-demo by JasonSung (@LolipopJ) on CodePen.